Oct. 23, 2022

The Connection Podcast w/Jay Miralles- Guest Brandon Martin...

The Connection Podcast w/Jay Miralles-  Guest Brandon Martin...

 The Connection Podcast w/Jay Miralles-  Guest Brandon Martin...

Brandon Martin from CMG FINANCIAL, speaks on a journey of self-improvement.  https://www.cmgfi.com/mysite/brandon-martin

Fri, Oct 21, 2022 11:33AM • 47:33


people, Brandon, mile, year, walking, bro, day, moving, conversations, serve, friends, care, started, book, life, documenting, circle, martin, meet, thought


Jay Miralles, Brandon Martin

Jay Miralles:

Yes, yes, yes, so one of the hardest two people in the world to line up because we are effectively using our time to serve others. I got them in our studio remote. Brandon Martin from CMG financial. And today, I'm going to introduce those of you who don't know, Brandon. But more importantly, you're gonna see a side of Brandon that I want you to know more of, we know what you do. We know how you do it. But Brandon, thanks for being on today. Hey, Jay, thanks for having me. It's my pleasure. And I certainly appreciate all the things you do. And I'm honored to be here. Man, I'm excited to jump right into it. So Brandon, this is how we met. And then I'm gonna let you take over from there. So I remember Kim bills. And, you know, she brought you to light by, you know, saying, hey, these guys are getting involved with a 50 mile march. They're making a donation. And thank you again, for that donation to the 50 mile march foundation. So, you know, I, I, I've heard of you. I've known of you didn't really connect, right? Because sometimes we don't listen as people. But our paths crossed with the right. Trusted conduits. Right. So take us back to the first time that perhaps you and I met.

Brandon Martin:

Yeah. So I mean, we actually met way back when at some event PRI back in 2014 2015, you are working at Farm Bureau. And it was like coffee and contacts. Or maybe it was like a happy hour or something like that. Sure, don't remember, but we just chatted you presented about how to connect with people, which obviously you're really good at and finding that common ground. And that is the earliest memory I have

Jay Miralles:

always smoke. When my hair was black, then

Brandon Martin:

that was for sure. You know, and then and then fast forward to when we really kind of connected was that 50 mile mark when you introduce all the walkers and and I will tell you I don't remember to this day what it was you said that there was something you said when you were up on stage. And it specifically changed the way I started thinking about life.

Jay Miralles:

Was it that everyone has a story? It was something like Yes, everyone has a story if you just listen. Yes,

Brandon Martin:

yes, absolutely. And if you listen, and then I started listening to people's stories, right? And then I realized I have a story. Yes. So. But my my story wasn't being told. So I started telling my story. And I started living my life a little bit differently. And I just knew there was this whole other world out there that I hadn't really seen.

Jay Miralles:

That's pretty awesome. And so you know, for those of you who don't know, or haven't been following, which I know that you reach many and inspire, but I want to talk and I want to highlight the things that you probably wouldn't say about yourself. So here's what I'll say. Here's a normal human being right. This is the Clark Kent of just a human being humble, just works, grinds, you know, but didn't serve himself. He wasn't serving himself. He was taking care of everyone else around him working hard and not paying attention to his health. Right. And you reached a tipping point at some point. Can you take us back to that tipping point where you said

Brandon Martin:

Yeah, so as May 2, I'll never forget it. And I get on the scale regularly, but I hadn't been on the scale for a while and I hit 240 959 and 240 but I probably wasn't drinking as much water as I should have. And so is like a dehydrated 240 Yeah, probably really, like 245 250 Yeah, I've been properly hydrated and all that stuff. And I was so I was pretty round and my waist was over four feet. So is over 48 inches, which was it's just too big. I actually I went like I want like this. I'm like, Oh man, it's it. That's four feet tall, right? That's around my waist. ductable So, yeah, I I weighed myself on May 2 And I said that day may 2, Brandon Martin may 2 2022 is not going to be Brandon Martin may 2 2023. So that's where we're at.

Jay Miralles:

How did you Okay, so, you know, some people don't know some people do know. How did you think you got to that point of just realizing that you weren't the best version of yourself? What What made you You say, Oh my gosh, how did I get here? How did you get there?

Brandon Martin:

Sure. So I don't even know I was just kind of floating through life. Right. And I think there was one thing and you probably don't even know this, I'm probably telling you this for the first time some people know about this, and I did make a video on it. But I found out when I was 39, that my dad wasn't my biological father. And I think that that affected me mentally more than I portray that it did. And so everybody did. I ended up like, really lucky, right? So my, my dad who raised me actually adopted me when I was two, and I thought he was my biological father forever. And so January of 2020, right before COVID My mom, I was doing all this 23andme stuff and ancestry and my mom's like, Hey, I gotta meet you for lunch. She was in Des Moines. She's like, hey, let's meet halfway for lunch. I'm like, Mom, work clothes. Mom and I are close. Her just calling me on a Friday, and I said, Hey, let's meet. Let's meet tomorrow for lunch and like, something's up. And that was it. And the only thing I really I cried one tear. I was like, I couldn't believe it when she told me right. But I got this biological father that's out there. And I've since talked to him. I haven't actually met him. Okay, that affected me for two years where my weight has just started to balloon and I you know, I was probably drinking too much and all that stuff and and happy hour was a regular part of my social life as well. And it just so then I wouldn't cook I grabbed fast food on the way home and that would be that guy. It was it was two years where I went from probably 215 to 240.

Jay Miralles:

Yeah, and at our height at five, what are you 590? said five nine? Yeah, hard nine. Yeah. So I'm five, eight. And yeah, it makes you. You. Were you ever the Did you ever do self deprecating jokes to make yourself fit in? Like, did you ever joke about your weight? You know? And that's something. Yeah. And we would tell ourselves, and we thought when people laughed, that was cool. Because they were accepting us because they said, Oh, look at this guy. He's being vulnerable. He's being real. And Haha, I'm the life of the party. Right? Yeah, but no, that that is bad for our psychological, you know, for our demeanor for our, our confidence. And, you know, I know that you wear suits, you know, sometimes you wear blazers, right? Is that am I right? We are able to hide under those things, right? We're like, Okay, well, let's put the blazer on. So May, let's fast forward. Now to May of this year, you said that's it? What? Did you have a conversation with yourself? Did you what was it you wake up? Like, what was it?

Brandon Martin:

Yeah, I've had a lot of heart to heart conversations with myself. I just said I gotta get better on the daily and if I fall off the horse, I'm getting right back on. So I say that. I say that all the time. And it was a slow start. I didn't even really change my diet. My brother's a doctor in Nutritional Sciences. And I can't utilize him, really until August, is when I started utilizing him, but but it was all just about walking. And man. I was huffing and puffing just walking down. Yeah. Walking back to your mailbox. To the mailbox. Yeah. I mean, it wasn't like, and I think when you start something like that, like, at least for me, I was scared like, Man, I could have I could be that 41 year old or whatever, there has a heart attack and, and passes away. Right. But what I had to tell myself was, it's either that or I'm just as ticking time bomb, right? Yes. True, have to do something, or I just lay on the couch and it's gonna happen eventually. Anyway.

Jay Miralles:

So now you said okay, I'm gonna change. Did you tell anybody immediately or were you kind of to yourself, like, I'm just gonna do this. I'm gonna hustle and grind.

Brandon Martin:

I was just to myself, man. I was I was just to myself. And I started like, I don't know, just trying to look for other people to follow and people that that kind of led the lifestyle that I wanted to live

Jay Miralles:

modeling modeling is what we call it. Yeah.

Brandon Martin:

And and that was my game. I'm like, I'm gonna I'm gonna reach more you know, the folks are gravitate towards the folks. And and shortly after, that was the 50 mile march announcement. I don't even remember what the exact day was, but it was after May 2. Yes, most amazing. Second, there was I almost think they aligned for a reason that the stars the stars above, but put that together for me to give me something to work towards. I'm like, because you asked Trey Trey Hilliard was there. And you're like, yes. Do this. And she's like, Yeah, I'll do it. And I don't think he ended up signing up. But he's ready to go next year. And I'm like, I think I can get in. I think I can work towards this. Not this year, but certainly next year, and I know I can do.

Jay Miralles:

And you know what, I wasn't skipping over you. Because Trey had expressed that he was going to and he wanted to, and you know, but I just, you know, again, I don't want to force anybody to do anything. But you know, I remember so we were at Bernado. Wherever nado, right, and everyone's doing their thing, and we're just getting ready. And, you know, then I, then we lost contact for a little bit. And, you know, I definitely thanked you guys, you know, for for your support. But then I started doing my thing. And then all of a sudden, it says, Brandon Martin guy doing in his garage? The heck, there's no lights out. It's dark. I can hardly see his face. Wait a minute, let me listen to this thing, man. Always talking about man I just did. Was it just a mile or something? It wasn't even a mile. Now. Now, tell me about your first few walks. And when you started Facebooking to the world? Not for attention. But for accountability. Maybe or why? Why did you share?

Brandon Martin:

It was all accountability. But I wanted other people to to know that they're not alone. Right? Because what I think so. And I've learned this later, right? But 75% of people are obese or overweight in the United States. Yes. Think it's okay. And then the media tells us it's okay. And we almost kind of shame people that are in shape, to some extent, versus, versus folks that are overweight. But the reality is, it's okay to exercise, it's okay to take the first step so that I'm like, Well, I'm going to something I want to do I want to be more out there anyway. I'm not going to be ashamed of who I am anymore. I'm actually proud of who I am. Yes. acheiving. And so I'm gonna let the world know, Facebook, or any sort of social media can be your platform to tell your story. And it's no one else's job to tell you, you can't use that platform to tell that story. So I started making videos and documenting and it was not easy. Those first few arcs. Like I said, on Facebook Live I walked six miles, the entire month of May. Yes. Almost that every day today.

Jay Miralles:

And that crazy. Six miles in the month of May. Did you ever think like, you know, I don't really need to do this. I'm fine. I'm better than I was. That was there was there's that voice right back here going? You're okay, man. You don't need to do this.

Brandon Martin:

Yeah, well, absolutely. Yeah. And then and then But then you get back on the horse. And you're like, Yeah, I do got to do this. I do have to exercise. You now. And then June carried on and it just was kind of sporadic. I think I did eight out of the first 15 days. And then from the 15th to July 16. My friend got married I exercise every day. And then coming back from his wedding. I got sick, it was out from for nine days, but then I've exercised everyday sense. Yeah, I look back at May all the time, because that is the first 30 to 45 days or when people go back to that habit. And yes, I wanted to go back to that habit I wanted to have my diet even stayed pretty poor.

Jay Miralles:

Yeah, but you're you thought in your mind because you're moving you're gonna get better,

Brandon Martin:

correct? Yeah. Yeah, so the weight loss actually started. You know, I think the first five pounds came off pretty easy. The next few you know, he had the you had to change other things, you know, and the diet did start to change a little bit, you know, eliminating fast food or instead of it being three or four or five times a week situation, it was a once or twice a week, situation before and now it's now.

Jay Miralles:

I mean, Brandon, you may not know this and you'll look back or you may know this now, but when I look at my journey and journey of others, people think there's a magic pill or magic program or some kind of membership that you can get and because you pump iron ore you do Do extreme tactics that get you, you know, in shape right and some people do 75 Hard some people do orange theory some people do whatever fitness program, right, but let's not underestimate the power of just moving your butt. Just moving. That's all you're doing was walking because you couldn't run yet right?

Brandon Martin:

I could not run at that particular time and even there is a time in June where I got shins glance, and I felt like I thought like it's over. Like I'm too big. I've I've allowed my legs to get too weak, and my body to become too big that my legs can't handle it. So that was a big mental mental part as well. But absolutely, yeah, I mean, you got a mental block to get through and, and you all you have to do is start moving. And don't stop. I hate to use Forrest Gump as an example. He just kept running. Just move just move. That's it?

Jay Miralles:

Yes. I remember. I think one of our first conversations or maybe a text I was like, bro, do you have a knee issue or because you know, because I was watching your, you are documenting it very well. And I can tell by your, your gait or the way you were walking that there was kind of a, you know, an issue with either balancing the knee or something? I don't know. I mean, was that did you have an injury or something like that?

Brandon Martin:

Sure. Yeah. So I've hurt both my knees. I have like a quarter of the cartilage that I should have in both my my left and my right knee. So yeah, I've struggled through some knee pain a little bit. And I've struggled through some back pain. As my stomach has gotten smaller. That's completely went away. But isn't that crazy? And to fight through it? Yes, you did. Like, you know, a little back pain. I'm gonna fight through that to get one I want to be and it's worth, even if I hurt my back. I still I'm not gonna get anywhere if I don't move.

Jay Miralles:

So that's true. Yeah, you can hurt your back sitting down. You can hurt your back. I mean, sitting down as new smoking. But so so now you're moving. You're crushing it, man. You are. You're professing to others that hey, you can do this too. Your talks aren't all about health. They're about financial wellness. They're about introspect. They're about insight. And I can hear the little voice in your head say, oh, cares what anybody thinks. I can hear that row. Who cares? what anybody thinks? Right? Right. Have you missed yet? A morning of recording in the last 30 days?

Brandon Martin:

Yeah, I have recorded I've posted something every day. Sometimes I just post my stats on Yes. Never. And show what I've done just to kind of keep going. But yeah, I've certainly missed some days recording. Sure. But ever, everybody's got to know that they can do it. Everybody's got to know that someone's been there with them. You know what I mean? Mike, I just think there's, there's there's this mental block that stopping everyone for whatever reason, but all it really isn't, is an excuse, right? All these little excuses as to why we can't do this, why we can't do that, you know, the kids or, or whatever. But you have to make time for yourself. Because if you can't take care of yourself, you can't take care of your kids to the to the best of your ability. I agree.

Jay Miralles:

Yeah, I mean, work. Absolutely.

Brandon Martin:

It starts it starts right here. It starts right in the heart and, and and with the mentality that hey, I have to do this. I have to take care of me because beyond that, I can't take care of anyone else if I'm not operating at 100%.

Jay Miralles:

Can I ask and if it's too personal to share, we can save it for later but how much weight have you lost?

Brandon Martin:

Yeah, so on the sixth So on October 4, I documented my waist measurement and I'm working with my brother Tyler on my diet to kind of hone in on it and the 20th I'll have an update. So as of October 4, I was 202.8 pounds, which obviously is down from 240. I should start with a one come Friday when I when I document that my waist circumference was 48 or 49. It was 4048 inches the week before that wedding I told you about on July 8 or nine. My waist was 48 inches, and it's down to 4140 or 41 inches at this point. That's great. So yeah, you can do a lot. What's crazy about the human body is 20 years worth of abuse, you can turn around in 12 bots, if, if you want,

Jay Miralles:

if you want to, that's just it. How many people have said to you? Oh, Brandon, that's good. I would, but I would start, you know, I'm going to start next month. You know, what, January 1 2023? is going to be my year. You know what I would do? I'll start those tomorrow. Brandon. Have you heard those statements from people? Yeah. I'm not hating on them. But that's not you

Brandon Martin:

know, but that was me. But that's not me today, that's not Brandon Martin here, as we dip, you know, in the middle of October of 2022. But it was Brandon in April of 2022. And prior, so you just have to make a decision to move forward. Like and I would encourage anyone, like, seek seek help, like, follow people. Like there's a ton of people that shoot me messages here and there. Yeah, more messages than I've ever gotten before. About people like keep going, man, like keep keep doing this. I I imagine like you hit exercise, I think 85 days in a row, or maybe tomorrow is 85, something like that. But I think once you hit like, milestones like 100 I feel like everybody's gonna be you know, I'll get a lot of messages that day, I guess those types? Yes, sir.

Jay Miralles:

Yes, you will. You absolutely will. So I'm going to ask you now, a series of questions. And let's keep it at short bursts. So here's what I'm gonna ask you. What books are you reading right now?

Brandon Martin:

So I just finished you. Oh, you by Eric Thomas. And I recommend it for anyone. Cash, what is the book? Hold on? I just started atomic habits. Yes. I just started that. And then the little golden book of the Yes, attitude? is another one or little yellow book. I can't remember for sure. Sure. Sure. And then the power of one more is right on my list as well.

Jay Miralles:

So that's awesome. That's awesome. Tell me. Tell me which one of those were your favorites? And or which one did you really enjoy? Maybe not your favorites? Or what did you enjoy about one of those books? What what spoke to you?

Brandon Martin:

Well, Eric Thomas is the first book that I've actually read. So I read one other book that was 10 years ago, but in high school, I didn't read books. But you Oh, you is very inspirational. And I'll tell you this, he went homeless at 16 in the very first chapter, because he found out his father wasn't his biological father, as that resonated with me right away. Yes. But that that book, I'd recommend 100 times over and I'm gonna let other people borrow it and and I'll even I'll purchase it for someone if they want. That's

Jay Miralles:

awesome, bro. That's, I mean, hey, listen, that's paying it forward. Right? Because you're, you're building yourself up and you want to share the joy. All right. So if I pick up your cell phone, and I look in the podcast section, what podcasts might be on there? Do you listen to podcasts? Or do you listen to YouTube snippets of people? Yeah, I

Brandon Martin:

listen to podcasts. I actually had a plumber here at my house. He's a friend of cornerback. He is a teammate of mine. And we just got to talk in about podcasts and, and how he listens to podcasts and invest in real estate and stuff. I'm like, I'm gonna start listening and started with motivational stuff. I listened to Bradley. He's a business guy. But I resonate with him a lot. But right now, I've been into the money advantage, which talks about Infinite Banking and the family banking structure. And I love it. I could listen to it all day every day. I listened to it for hours

Jay Miralles:

before awesome. So when you get bored do you get bored lately? What do you do to fill time? You know? I mean, do you totally unplugged? Are you do you find yourself even bored lately?

Brandon Martin:

I really don't. My day is pretty structured. I'm up every day at four o'clock. In like Saturday, the football game ran a little late, right? So yeah, so I've been eating on the weekends. I don't negotiate with myself and my day is fairly structured. I tried to kill it with marketing ideas work and reading or exercise

Jay Miralles:

this endless. That's awesome. So is there a mantra I usually play over and over in your head, you know, something that you're just like, bro, I need to say this to myself and everybody watch out. What is

Brandon Martin:

that there isn't really a mantra per se, but I will say this. Every time I finished my workout in the morning and it's dark. I remember that scene in Rocky when he's running up the stairs and he raises his hands. Yes, I do that every time I come into my driveway as I finish up, because I know that this is this, I'm just training for the fight, right? So I'm not anywhere near where I want to be. I'm not the champion. I'm not fighting, you know, the greatest fighter in the world yet, but I'm training to get there. And I'm training hard. And I know that the little habits today are going to create a champion in the future.

Jay Miralles:

So I'll give you a little bit of advice there. You actually win like a champion every day that you beat who you were yesterday. That's a win. That's a champion, a champion does not need a trophy. There are champions in this world that don't have trophy cases, they don't really care for metals, they don't care for titles, they don't do anything. They just win from the person they were yesterday. So I want to I want to get really want to slow down the conversation for a second, I want you to think before you answer this. Okay. I want you to take me back to sic Brandon. May 2, right. fit up, Brandon, I want you to talk to him right now. What would you say to sick Brandon. today? If you can go back and say, bro, fill in the works.

Brandon Martin:

Bro, it doesn't. It doesn't matter what you did yesterday, it doesn't matter what he did in 2021. It doesn't matter what he did in 2015. It doesn't matter what he did in 2001. It matters where you go from here. So you got to take that first step forward. You take that first step, it starts another step. You can't walk up the cases, case stairs without taking the first step, right. So just take that first step and don't look back.

Jay Miralles:

Man you that's, that's pretty insightful, right? That's people hang their hat on. like, Yo, you remember that one year I did this? And, you know, at least I am or I just want to be realistic. And you know, you're telling yourself, man, like it doesn't matter what you did in 2021. No one cares, bro. It doesn't matter what you did in 2015. Nobody cares.

Brandon Martin:

Right? I mean, Tom Brady doesn't care that he wants six Super Bowls. He wants to win the Super Bowl this year. Right? People remember? Yes. All right.

Jay Miralles:

So so here's what I want to ask you next. You told me October 20? Is it? Do you have a year goal? Is that Is there a date set from the date that you went? Or is there a year goal? Do you have a mile marker on a year?

Brandon Martin:

So I do but I wanted to be under I turned 42 on November for I wanted to be under 200 pounds by then. And I want to be at 170 by May 2 2023. About 170 is when my when my BMI will be an abnormal range?

Jay Miralles:

Absolutely. So let's go forward. Let's go forward to did you say May 2 Is that right? Yep. Let's go to May 2 23 are in a time machine row. And you gotta visualize right now you weigh 170 Right now you are your BMI is even better than what you thought you're probably started resistance training by then and everything and what are what is Brandon Martin saying to himself that morning when he gets up at four o'clock in the morning

Brandon Martin:

is probably saying you gotta get better get 1% better today as well. You know what I mean? Keep moving forward. Don't look back and and keep progressing.

Jay Miralles:

I mean, it's important to recognize your milestones, right? And I look forward to that day for you, bro. I won't let you slip man i i can tell you that. I get excited when people face themselves because it's really easy to say you know, I work with this guy. And then all he does is eat junk food and man I ended up eating junk food or hey, I hang out with these people. All they do is end up drinking knowledge right now listen, I'm not chastising, but I'm just telling you. You are who you hang around. Has your circle morphed. Has your have some people said to you like Cobra, not for me. You know because I know you stopped drinking. Is that right? Mostly? Is that right? Like have you stopped drinking for Wow.

Brandon Martin:

Yeah, the only the only today I've had alcohol to this point was that wedding since May 2. So there Yeah, I completely cut it out. And I feel feel amazing. So yeah, my circle has changed both by design and maybe by other people's design as well, as we. And that's not to say we don't like each other we don't like, but you know, we'll, we'll chat or whatever, but but my circle is very valuable to me and my personal life is valuable, valuable to me. So who's in that circle? It has just morphed a little bit to who I am today versus who I was in the past. And, and I've had a lot of friends that I've had friendships for 20 some years, and they're still friends. And some of them are in that circle. And some are marked quiet in that circle. But I still love them and still care about them.

Jay Miralles:

Absolutely. But you've also prioritize the things that are important to you. And sometimes that doesn't cut people out. But it also doesn't make an easy inclusion to say, Hey, let's go do the same things we used to do together, right. And sometimes people are uncomfortable with change, and some people are uncomfortable with people around them getting better. Right? Yeah, I've experienced that.

Brandon Martin:

Oh, absolutely. Yeah, there's a lot of folks that they they want to live the same way, right? They don't want to change, they want to be uncomfortable. They bitch and moan a little bit about being overweight and obese, but they won't do anything about it. So I had to, to me, to me, it all came down to the negativity, right. So if there's any sort of negativity, I gotta try to suppress that as much as possible, and add positive vibes to the circle. And that's what I strive for on the daily.

Jay Miralles:

And how is this translated into your business? What is it done for you and your business man? Like, you know, as I help you perform better has it made you start crushing and slaying it? Like,

Brandon Martin:

yeah, no, I do perform better on a day to day basis, I'm more focused, my, my mental preparation for the day is 100%. I hang around with a great crew of folks that that are that are really, really good people. And, and I don't hang out with any negative or, or will allow any negativity to come into, into into the office space really like business partners, or otherwise, like, negativity just affects me a different way. It's just, you want to be negative, that's cool. But it's not going to change. It's not going to ruin my day. And believe me, it used to ruin my day.

Jay Miralles:

Yeah, because you can occupy people can rent space in your head for free. And you can complain, and I've been kind of on this journey to where it's easy for me to complain and get in that loop and say, or condemn or, or or compare or chastise. And you know, that's, that's just in my composite right comparison and, but I've consciously made an effort to when it starts, I just know that I can't do anything about that. And, and let's be honest, like we all love to be loved. We all want to be wanted, we all want to be included. But I need everyone to understand this. It's okay. If you're not. It's okay. If you're not included. Yeah, man, how many times did we seek that when we weren't good enough for ourselves that we needed to find acceptance through other people's permission, bro,

Brandon Martin:

we would write and then we would we would if we if we felt we weren't included with with X person, we would go find why person to do the same things that they were doing, even though quite honestly, I think God was kind of leading me down a path to go a different way. But I kept gravitating towards a the Negative lifestyle. Right? Yeah, it's easily either lead me to 240 and he's like, go this way, go this way. And we do that with veer off the wrong way. And then for whatever reason, it clicks at some point.

Jay Miralles:

Yeah, man, I, it's, I need people to understand like it's it's not easy to catch my attention. Right. I'm I'm so pointed at what I'm doing. I'm so stubborn. And I'm so just I'm just going right, right. And if you're standing still, I'm probably just going to run by and I don't mean like be better than I'm just, I'm so focused, but when when someone like you captures my attention. I'm not trying to tell you I'm holier than thou and if I see you that you're great. I'm saying you You're one of the people that I say, Okay, let me see what he's doing today, because I've called you a couple of times, right? Hey, Brandon, need to recharge, right? I've called you about, what do I say? What did I say to you on that one call?

Brandon Martin:

Like, yeah, well, I mean, you're just you're having a rough day or whatever. And you needed a little pick me up and wanted just a little bit of advice. Not even really advice, but like, hey, what, what should I do? I've been struggling. And I don't know if you told anyone about what you're gonna do. You know, I'm sure that that, you know, but that's a whole nother thing. But you know that, that is something that you can struggle with, you know, on whether or not you should do something or not do something or what have you. And, and but, yes, sometimes everybody needs to pick me up. At some point, everyone needs someone they can call. So I mean, like, you and I have just become fairly close in the last few months. Sometimes we need someone that we've known for 20 years, and sometimes we need someone that we've known for a few months, but it can still be equally effective, depending on the situation.

Jay Miralles:

The authentic, the authenticity, the alignment, the behavior. You didn't have to say, oh, Jay, I like keto too. We're best friends. Like we didn't do that. Right. That's that's not what we're doing. Oh, you like to walk me to I mean, it our lives just kind of met in a place that we're in the same journey right now. And there's no effort for me to say, Hey, I'm gonna one up Brandon, my goal in 40 more minutes, and he does that. That's not it, you inspire me to go further to push me further. I feel like walking three times a week is inadequate at this point, you know, rocking three times a week, but I'll tell you this. I want to kind of land this here. But you made a commitment. Right? And I'm going to put you on the spot. Why are you walking the 50 mile March next year? What Why? Why are you doing it? I mean, there's a whole lot of different reasons people do it. But why is Brandon Martin choose to participate his time his effort is treasures, talents.

Brandon Martin:

Why? Share? i i First of all, I think when you started the 50 mile march, I heard about it. I looked at it a little bit. I followed you a lot. I mean, that video the very first one, right? Yeah, yes. And so I followed it, I knew about it. I have veterans in my family. My mom's husband served in the Navy, and they're very cognizant of, of military efforts. And they always try to give to those sorts of things. I've helped a ton of veterans with mortgages. My my home base, and when I started doing mortgages was in Bellevue. So I am, I feel close to veterans anyway, and how you've grown this particular event is, is remarkable. So it means it means a lot to me, that that, that someone puts a lot of effort and your your heart and soul goes into it. And every bit about it makes me want my heart and soul to go into that event, just so you succeed. And so I can't wait to be a part of that as well. It's exciting to think about,

Jay Miralles:

Thanks, brother, I, I'll share with you and then you know, we'll end it here. But you know, most people only live 40% of their capacity in life. People live 40% of their capacity, they're comfortable. They if food in food out, punching the clock punch out routine, they make money to pay bills to buy stuff, to pay bills, to make money to buy stuff to pay bills to make money to buy stuff, right and that's okay. Again, not not judging, but I'm saying you obviously want more, but I want you to learn this now. You're going to meet 80% of your capacity, probably in the 19th or the 18th hour, by the 20 of our you will meet probably 90% of your capacity of physical as well as mental. And I want to tell you that I can't wait to see you hit that wall and break through that because it breaks everyone I don't care how great you are. People, some people articulate their pain. Some people keep it in, but man I know. I know by the walking pattern. I know by the tone of voice. I can see tears sometimes. I can see us suffering. And man, oh man, the best part of the march for me is the last 50 yards. The last 50 yards, we're talking half a football field. And I visualize this, I play this out. Usually I'm in the back, probably 100 yards out making sure that the back stays pretty, pretty tight, the pack stays tight or the squad stays stays tight. Then I then I walk around to the front the last 50 miles, and I look back and I watch their faces. And then the last five yards, I make sure that I fall out of formation. And then I walk to the back. And I let everyone pass me as a high five them and on the way in. And the energy that I get from every marcher from every Rucker from every Walker is probably the highest I've ever been in my entire life. And that is where you meet friends. That is where you meet allies. And that's where you meet comrades. And that's where you meet Ride or Die people, right? That's when you know, when life's circle is hard, maybe not all of them. But for the most part, that's your squad for life, man. That's what I want to prepare you for bro. I can't wait to frickin high five you shake your hand. Can't wait to tell you put your chin up. Like bro, it's it's like no other, but I can assure you mile to two mile 49 sucks.

Brandon Martin:

You can definitely see the camaraderie of the group this year. Like I mean it was and you can tell like they are to some extent bonded in some way for life. Whether I know you put them in in groups or whatever. Definitely. Yep. Yeah. Those squads are their brothers and sisters for life. Sure, yes.

Jay Miralles:

Yes. And you know, often people say I never served Hey, man, now's your chance. See, people serve in different ways. You know, and some people who served the military serve sandwiches or they served missiles, it doesn't matter. Right. The Americans who served from here paid taxes to give us the equipment supported us when we came back home. And that's a way to serve, too. But this for me, is probably the best therapy that I could ever give myself. Because I know what it's like to be home and secure. I know what it's like to sleep on people's couches and be less than, and I know what it's like to, to write letters to say goodbye to people. Yeah, that's something I'm proud of. But it's something that I need people to know. Talk to somebody, have a conversation. Because conversations can save a suicide. conversations can inspire someone to lose 20 pounds conversations can make the exiled field included. conversations can open up. I didn't say shouting. I said talking. It's okay. If I disagree with people. I love to disagree with my friends in a way that is very respectful. If they are x affiliation, or y affiliation, or Z affiliation doesn't matter to me, because I don't need to argue my point. I know what I believe in. I know they believe in something too. Right. And that's good. And that's good because confrontation is good conflict is bad. And that's delayed confrontation. But is there anything else Brandon that you want people to know man about you bro like anything you want to part with this audience and say drop a nugget or something or just leave with some, some harsh some hard words.

Brandon Martin:

I just want to I want to reiterate kind of what you were just saying that we are all individuals and we all have a right to our own minds and our own thoughts and our own free thinking. And that's what makes us beautiful. That's what makes us individuals. But if you're struggling with something reach out, I mean, I'll talk to anyone about anything I'll talk to you via messenger. I'll talk to you via text. I'll talk to you on the telephone, I'll meet up with you and have coffee, I'll meet up with you for lunch. I don't really care anytime, anywhere. If I'm available, which I am 90% of the time you can text me or something like that. Outside of sleeping but if you if you want to better yourself if you want to live a healthy lifestyle. If you're down in the dumps and thing no one really cares about you like someone does. I'm telling you someone cares, someone It wants you to be around. Someone wants you to be healthy. Someone does. And if, if you're if you want that someone to know reach out to, to any of us and we'll help, I'll help. I know you would help anyone, you'd give the shirt off your back for anyone. But I think it's important to know like, yeah, we we try to live a healthy lifestyle to save ourselves. But we're here to help other people do the same thing. And it a lot of it's up here. Everything we do is between the years and it is a physical thing we're dealing but we got to fight the mental battle every day.

Jay Miralles:

Well, Brandon Martin, I want to thank you for being on and I'll leave you one bit of advice. And I know you're a selfless guy. I want you to know this. Don't treat your customers better than you would treat yourself because that is a is a is a fallacy that we all fall into. And I know you serve others, Brandon, I know you're generous. I know that you're giving right? But as you can see, the May 2 Brandon to the October, October 19th. Brandon, this October 19. Brandon is able to give more now able to give further now able to give even more now of of your time, your talent and your treasure. How's that make you feel man?

Brandon Martin:

Makes me feel great. It really does. Like I value my relationships more I can give more to my relationships. I can give more to work. I can give more to my clients, like you said, because I've given more to myself.

Jay Miralles:

Man, I love this episode. I hope people smash that like button so hard that they correct your screen man. Share this. Get to know Brandon Martin. I'll put all of his contact info in the show notes. You're the real deal dude out. I'm not high on you, Brandon, I believe in you. I'm not high on you. There's a difference, right? I believe in you. You're inspirational. You're one of the people that are considered to be in the circle. You're just an authentic guy, and by the ways great business person. And that's all I can really sum this up to is do life and connect with good people. Brandon Martin, thanks for being on the connection today.

Brandon Martin:

Hey, thanks for having me. I know you can have 1000 people on here. I'm lucky to be one of them, and I really appreciate it. Thanks, Brandon. Thanks, Jay.

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